Bart Watson, chief economist for the Brewers Association, is a stats geek, beer lover, and Certified Cicerone®. He’s also one of the most insightful commentators on the craft brewing scene.
Bottom line: If you want a greater understanding of the beer market, and how to position your business for success, you should listen to Bart. Here are a few of his top picks for the 2023 Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America.
The Picks
- Approaching the Beyond Beer Category with Craft Beer Integrity “I will be joining Sam Calagione and Garrett Marrero — maybe you’ve heard of them? — to discuss how brewers can move into the ‘beyond beer’ category and experience success without compromising on core craft-brewing principles.”
- A Brewer, A Distributor, and An Attorney Walk into A Bar…What Could Possibly Go Wrong? “This all-star panel will delve into how to hammer out a fair distribution agreement that works for all parties. Whether you’re looking to pick a distributor or seek greener pastures with another partner, this is a must-attend discussion.”
- Where Gen Z Is Taking the Beer Business (And How to Get Out In Front Of It) “Gen Z, upwards of 70 million Americans, is starting to show its clout in virtually every marketplace, including beer. Time to get proactive in your approach to this powerful and unique demographic.”
- Rising to Leadership: Perspectives and Pathways in Craft Beer “As the great Jim Collins says, ‘Great leadership at the top doesn’t amount to much without great leadership at the unit level.’ This seminar will help you identify pathways to leadership within your organization and within the larger craft beer community.”
- Growing through Crisis and BEYOND! “In an interconnected world, life comes at you fast. Our current pandemic won’t be the last major disruption in our lifetimes. What lessons can we draw from the last few years on how to be resilient and innovative in the face of upheaval?”
- Can You See Clearly? Creating Mission and Value Statements with Your Team “A clearly defined mission and values — these aren’t just ‘nice to haves’. Leveraged correctly, they can be your brewery’s superpower, driving your business’s success and your team’s happiness at the same time.”
- Tax Savings Opportunities for Breweries “The cure for tax-savings FOMO.”
Want to bend Bart’s ear while you’re in Nashville? Catch him at the First Time Attendee Meetup or at the Brewers Association booth just outside the expo hall.
The post Bart’s #CraftBrewersCon Picks appeared first on Craft Brewers Conference.